
Look at all my (9) teeth...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No more high chair!

Pam Perry, This is for you...

Called OUT! My mom is such a slacker. Well, not really. I guess she's busy...taking interior design classes, freelancing, teaching me things, making sure I have fun - grown up stuff!
Anyway, we've been having a nice summer. I've been practicing my (few) words. I can draw & color without eating the crayons. I'm so big I don't even need a high chair anymore. I sit at the big table now. GROWING UP!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer in Seattle...

Its been a great summer so far! Mom is still staying home w/me. We play, play, play...go to the park, library, music class, story time, swimming... My new favorite thing is hanging out on our rooftop deck (yes, urban baby) - mom & dad got me a tiny little pool so I can swim (well, splash around). OH...I finally decided to walk! So much easier to stay clean when I'm not scooting all over the place, especially when outside. All this summer stuff & its not even July!! Go Seattle!!!

More pics from Indiana...

Crawling around at Notre Dame w/Gigi + Poppy

With Olivia + Alyssa
With Mom + Great Grandma Gangi
With Grandpops
With Auntie Jess, Gramma Mimi + Mom
With Cousin Lake - right before bath

My recent trip to Indiana

We had a blast...spent a week in South Bend w/Gigi + Poppy. Poppy made me a BEACH in their back yard! We call it STELLA BAY (aka stella bae). Then we spent some time in Indianapolis w/cousin LAKE and my aunties & uncles and grandpops and gramma mimi. So fun...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What a year its been...

(A post from mom...Thanks Sarah for a great photo!)

I can't believe our brand new little baby Stella is now 13 months old! She is truly 17 pounds of pure delicious joy! She cracks us up more and more everyday. She's constantly singing and babbling. She loves baths, books, my purse, remote controls, cell phones and is starting to take more of an interest in her toys. She's still crawling, which surprises me. I thought she'd certainly be walking by now. Since day 1 (almost), all she wanted to do is stand and now after about a week of standing, all she'll do is fold her legs and sit! Stubborn little lovebug!

Anyway, she's an angel - we couldn't ask for a more perfect baby - and we thank our lucky stars everyday! I gathered some pics over the last year and posted a slide show. Enjoy!
~ Katrina

My Name

STELLA = Italian for "star"
BAE = my mom loves the water, my dad wanted the name "Bailey" so they sort of met in the middle. Stella Bae.

About Me/How I Arrived

Well...the day finally came. 3am on Dec 6 - my mom's water broke. About 20 hours later my mom was ready to push me OUT! I wasn't in to this...I liked it in there, all warm & cozy. And I certainly didn't want to come out with a squished head! So I grabbed that cord thing and squeezed! All the doctors got worried & rushed my mom into the operating room for a C-section. The next thing I know, they were holding me under bright lights! Whhhaaaaaah!

~ 11:13pm, 5lbs, 4oz